The Code of Discipline is only for students who have chosen to learn the artform, and follow their Teacher as a mentor. There are plenty of students at Gold Summit who learn just for health benefits and to be part of a positive community of people. It should be clear that the students learning for health benefits alone are on a different track than those learning the art form. Both are totally ok, as long as the difference is distinguishable.
There are different types of students and they are on different tracks. The expectation is higher for students who are learning the artform, but the rewards are also higher.
For example, There is the Health & Self Improvement Track, The Genuine Artform Track etc.
The CODE OF DISCIPLINE is for students on the Genuine Artform Track.
There are different types of students and they are on different tracks. The expectation is higher for students who are learning the artform, but the rewards are also higher.
For example, There is the Health & Self Improvement Track, The Genuine Artform Track etc.
The CODE OF DISCIPLINE is for students on the Genuine Artform Track.
- At no point should a student use the school name, Teacher's name, style or learning methods for the purposes of making money, creating media attention or gaining personal recognition etc. without explicit written permission of the Head Master of Gold Summit.
- A student should always be honest about their feelings, intentions with their Teacher. Don't say you are willing to take the "bitter" part of training to achieve the best results, then complain to others or harbor resentful feelings about not being coddled. Never keep feelings of doubt about the philosophy or training to yourself.
- To expound on the previous note, NEVER GOSSIP about your school or Teacher. Talk openly
- Do what you say you going to do. Watch your words and don't mindlessly commit to doing something you cannot do.
- Don't spend time flattering others to get you want-even if its for a little attention. If you do, you will be unable to handle any criticism in life
- Don't undermine the Teacher by trying to gain support of your own by using your school as a place to gain your own personal following.
- Follow the 8 fold path. For example, RIGHT LIVELIHOOD is necessary for you to truly learn an art form from a Master.
- Don't lead a double life. Don't think that you can train and be disciplined but then not work to make your life outside the class room better. Eventually, the conflict will show up.
- Greet your teacher and say goodbye each day in a genuine manner. Though a little more formal than what your everyday life greetings are, it is important to remember that you are not building a personal relationship with your Teacher as you would a friend-even when they are friendly and kind with you.
- A student should answer questions directly and not make excuses.
- A student should make an effort to let the Teacher walk first through doors
- A student should make sure the Teacher gets his or her food and drink first when eating together
- Don't interrupt, spend more time listening than talking about what your own experience i
- If you feel your Teacher doesn't understand you and that he or she just doesn't "get it" then perhaps the relationship is not meant for you. Or it is possible that you may need to listen more to what is being said instead of becoming defensive and full of excuses from the first sign of correction. Either way, it is best to voice your troubles initially to see where to go from there.
- Don't feel you are too good to do any kind of work in life. Whether it is cleaning, organizing or other simple tasks, the mind of a genuine Martial Artist does not distinguish between higher work and lower work. Work is work and all of it is necessary to make the world go round. We are not Leaders or Teachers or Bosses ALL of the time in life.
- Be sure to remember that you came to your Teacher to learn whole-heartedly. You should have done so because you admire their skill, discipline, honesty and passion for what they do. If you forget that part, and start to feel that you don't want to listen to your Teacher once you have gained some benefit for yourself-then your intentions can become unethical as far as the Teacher/Student relationship is concerned. If you came to learn just because you LIKE he or she, this is not enough of a reason and will cause trouble in the long run. It should be a genuine relationship of Teaching and Learning.
- The relationship in the Chinese Arts can be life long. Even if you had your own school eventually or gained some true skill, your Teacher will always be ahead of you. A true Martial Artist would even keep true, deep respect in their heart if they surpassed their Teacher in physical skill once they were at an old age-because the True Martial Artist would know they would not surpass their Teacher in experience, knowledge or wisdom.